Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Things to do during a thunderstorm...

Go for a hike!  While I don't really recommend this, it is exactly what we did today.  It wasn't planned, that's for certain.  But we haven't had many sunny days this spring, and this was a particularly stormy one.  Rain came down so hard that we had a river running down the driveway, into the cow pasture and down over the hill.  There was so much water that the cows were standing there drinking it as it flowed by.  Too funny.

As I said, we didn't actually plan on going for a 'hike' per se, but instead traveling out to see how much water was passing over the spill way at McConnell's Mills, a local state park in our area.  We certainly weren't disappointed as the water was over two feet higher than the spillway.  It sure was a raging river.  I caught a bunch of video which I'm planning on putting together into one, but here's a small clip:

The rain would switch between light, moderate, and heavy.  During one of those heavier moments, we ducked into the the old mill, which has been preserved as a museum.  How awesome it would have been to see the mill in it's glory days, grinding away at the various grains that passed through it's machinery.  The mill itself has four floors.  We only had access to three of the four.   

The old wood in the mill was incredible.  So perfectly preserved.

This old grinding stone stood about 4 feet tall.

A look out the second floor window.

At the bottom of the 'basement' steps.  I loved the color and textures on this stone.  The stories that these old walls could tell. 

Portions of the old machinery.


  1. @ Toxic Doll - Thanks! You should come visit again and I'll take you there! You would really love it. It is a photo paradise!
