Thursday, May 12, 2011

Phipps Conservatory

Last Friday I went to the Phipps Conservatory with my friend Karin.  I had only been there once before, and it was many years ago.  This place is really amazing if you are a plant lover like me.  It just so happened that we got the break in the rain that I was so desperately hoping for (almost a whole five days of rain-free weather!), and that it corresponded to the plant/craft sale that was also going on outside on the Phipps grounds.  We meandered through the crowds and booths for about an hour before we finally found our way inside.

At the top of the stairway, just before entering into the green houses, we found the most amazing hanging glass sculpture.  It had to be 5-6 feet from top to bottom.  Karin told me that they had recently had a huge glass exhibit and that this piece had been donated to the conservatory.  As we wondered through the greenhouses, other magnificent pieces of glass work could be found hidden all over the place.  Here are a few others:

These were all so beautiful, but my personal favorites were found in the orchid room:

These ghostly glass figures could be found hiding everywhere: from dancing on the log above, to wondering through the stream flowing through the greenhouse, even hiding amongst the orchids.  Here are a few more:

So if you are even in Pittsburgh, even if you are not as passionate about plants as I am, stop by the conservatory and wonder through.  There's something for everyone to see and enjoy.  I will be post some of the other pictures I took on my Flickr site, including the amazing orchids, for ease of viewing.

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