Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Rain, Rain, Go Away

{oh the colorful eggs - I particularly love the green ones}

It's hard to know when we transitioned from winter to spring.  Sometimes I question whether or not we have.  It was a balmy 45 degree today.  And yes, it rained.  If there is one thing we have seen A LOT of the past few months, it's rain.  We've had so much rain in fact, that none of the farmers around here have even been able to turn over their fields to prepare for planting.  Last year at this time we already had new corn peeking out of the soil.  This has many people concerned as the rain is supposed to continue all the way through summer.  So says the Farmer's Almanac, and they've been pretty close to right on this past winter and into spring.

Our garden sits on an incline and much of the soil has been washed away revealing many rocks and pieces of glass.  We planted on a corner of our landlords fields last year.  I'm curious as to why all this, for lack of a better term, garbage is in the fields.  If we're lucky, our compost pile will cover what we've lost.  I've also been putting the rabbit droppings over the soil.  It's funny to see that where I raked it over, is now growing greenage.  I am guessing that greenage is left over or spilled grain from their feed.  Either way, I'm letting it alone for now.  It's holding what's left of the soil in place.  I've still not decided if it is going to be worth attempting the garden this summer.  We're hoping to find and move onto our own property this summer.  It would be so disappointing to plant a garden only to leave it wasted.  Yet at the same time, if we don't find our 'dream farm' this summer, I will be disappointed that I didn't plant.  I can't stand the thought of not growing my own food this summer.  I'm considering some potted plants, but nothing's growing yet except my Bleeding Hearts (which I am so happy to see survived the winter).

The girls (meaning the hens) are also confused about the weather.  We had a week about a month back of warmer weather which got them laying pretty regularly; maybe 6 dozen eggs per week.  Since the rain and cooler temps returned, their egg laying has backed off again.  Tomorrow it's supposed to be in the 60s and sunny; at least for the day.  It should do us all some good to get out and enjoy it.  It's not supposed to last for long.

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