Sunday, January 31, 2010

Too Short...

Gosh but the weekends go by way too fast! Today especially. Hubby left early today to get some work done, so the weekend felt even shorter. Seems like I could get a lot accomplished with the time to myself, but alas, I found myself just moping around the house. I tried to be productive: gathered some eggs, hung some apple sicks in the rabbit cages for them to chew, spun some fiber, knitted a bit, all the while avoiding the work that I "needed" to be doing. Does anyone else have the problem of avoiding the work you don't want to do, or is it just me?

The picture above is from the fiber I spun this weekend. Boy was it some amazing fiber! I couldn't believe how beautiful all the colors blended. I think I may have to request some more of this colorway. I also started to spin some alpaca fiber. I have a dream of becoming a 'fiber farmer' one day and owning my own fiber animals, especially sheep and alpaca. This fiber was so different from anything I had ever spun before. So silky and smooth that I could forget the fact that by the time I was done, I looked like a furry alpaca myself. I've only got about half of it spun. It will be exciting to ply and knit it.

I saw a robin this weekend singing its fool heart out up in a tree (and yes, I'm sure it was a robin). Though some would say that there are a few that winter over here, I will take it as a sign that spring is just around the corner. I need to believe that! It's not that I don't like winter. I really don't mind it. It's just that I am anxiously awaiting the day I can break ground for my very own garden! I can't wait to see what I can grow! Maybe I'll even have my own stand at a farmer's market this summer. It would be a great feeling to know that I can help supply someone else's meal. We'll see. One day at a time. It's always good to dream though.

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