Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Chickens -n- a Basket

My week off was a whirlwind of events. And as always, it ended in a blink of the eye. It wasn't an uneventful week (certainly not), just fast and busy. My parents came down for three days the beginning of the week. The main focus (or I should say 'my' main focus) was for my mom to help me get my craft room organized so I could think creatively again. She didn't so much help as pretty much do the whole thing. I have a tendency to get overwhelmed easily when it comes to my own stuff. But in a few hours, she had it all taken care of. Moms are amazing like that, and we still need them even into our adult years. And thanks to the cleanliness and organization of a new room, I was finally able to finish a project. The basket you see above! Made for holding all the beautiful colored yarns that I've spun. I was pretty pleased with how it turned out. Made from rope, scraps of fabric, and a simple zig zag stitch. Here's a picture of it during the works:
Most of the peeps are gone now. I had only intended to keep two of the Easter Eggers, but alas, there are six that remained: in addition to the two Easter Eggers, we kept 2 white egg layers, and two chocolate-colored egg layers. And being the fancy chicken farmer that I am (not), I couldn't tell you which breed they are. I seem to have forgotten. But they are getting big and growing fast, and I can't wait to get them all outside and reclaim my basement.
{One of the chocolate-egg layers - made it out to the coop already}

{the basement gang - 3 weeks old and outgrown their quarters}