Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Stinging Nettle??

 Can anyone tell me if this is Stinging Nettles (albeit in late growth).  I had to pull our three plant/herb books, but my Flora of West Virginia seems to indicate that it is.  I would love for some conformation though.  The first four pictures were taken this morning.  The four below, a couple of weeks ago.

 These pictures were taken a couple of weeks ago.

I'd love to have my own little patch to harvest in the spring.  Perhaps I could transplant them out of the pasture?  I've been dying to try nettles ever since I read Laura's post Eat Your Wild Greens: The Delectable Nettle over a year ago.  This girl sure knows here plants and writes a lovely blog.


  1. You've got yourself some nettles! That is an exciting thing to find. If you dig around their bases, you should find some underground rhizomes, which are easy to divide and transplant to your garden. My patch that I put in this Spring is taking off quite well. Thanks for the mention of my blog! Happy nettling :)

  2. I planted some in Southern California in containers. I just keep them moist. They took off this year. Very good nutrition!
