Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Time Change and a Sour Crop

This time change has really been a hard one this year. I'm not sure why. Usually after the first night's sleep I've got it down, but every day I wake up, I still feel like I've lost an hour. Oh to be a chicken (or any other farm animal), not bound by these biannual constraints. They still get up at the same time and follow suit with their night time rituals. The extra hour of light (can't say 'sunlight' as we haven't seen much of that, though it IS sunny today) is nice, but I was really enjoying waking up with the dawn. Now it's dark. I realize that will change, I'm just extremely ready for spring. This winter has been holding on for so long.

On another note, one of our hens seems to have come down with some sort of sour or impacted crop. We've lost a hen to this before when we first started out. I'm hoping to save this girl. She's our only Jersey Giant and such a good hen. We did some research online to find some treatments; the information was varied. So we gave her olive oil a few times, and are now giving her saline; massaging her crop each time we treat her. She was taken off of solid food and is now eating some plain yogurt. Her crop is still full. Not as big as it was when we started but it just doesn't seem to want to empty. This concerns me. She is pooing a bit, which gives me some hope, but I'd feel better if that crop would empty. That's her pictured above.

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