Friday, October 15, 2010

Etsy Shop Reopening!

I've finally re-opened my Etsy shop! And it's about time. I've been...err...collecting finished projects. There are a bunch; I'm starting with posting some of my fiber and then moving on to some of the other handmade goods. I'll have everything from yarn to fiber projects (and carded batts coming soon!) to clothing and origami. I have too many creative outlets. Life is never dull that way. If you are a knitter and/or crocheter you will definitely want to check it out. My favorite fiber to spin is ALPACA! And if you've never worked with are in for a treat! It is amazing and oh so warm!

On a different note, the farm has kept us busy. Mostly with the chickens. We've lost a couple to the hawks (which is very sad) and there seems to be some sort of upper respiratory infection going around. Most seem to be responding to the antibiotics and colloidal silver pretty well, but it's heart-wrenching (for a chicken-lover like me) to watch them suffer through the snots and sniffles. And if you know us well enough, you would know that antibiotics would be a last resort. Some might say to cull the sick ones (others, the whole flock), but THAT would be the absolute last resort. Those only mildly affected are still outside; others who are a bit worse for wear are brought into the house...a sort of chicken hospital.

Mrs. Buns tricked us with yet another false pregnancy. I'm not sure yet if I will breed her again.
On a happier note, I will hopefully have news of a NEW ADDITION to our farm family soon! So stay tuned!

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