Saturday, November 7, 2009


Just as there is beauty in the green lushness of the spring and summer months, so too is there beauty in the barren landscape that accompanies fall and winter. I can't help but be amazed as I gaze across the fields, stating at all the intricacies that were hidden during the warmer months.

Today is an oddly warm day up here in the north. Warm and dry enough to sit in the grass and watch my chickens, something I've grown rather fond of. When I'm outside they will venture farther from the coop than usual. Like my mere presence acts as some sort of magical shield. It's hard to believe, but chickens simplify life. I don't think it's possible to watch them and not smile. Funny little creatures the are!

I know these warm intermittent days are few and far between. Even as I sit here I can smell the scent of burning wood being carried through the breeze. I love the smell but I know that it's a close friend of cold and snow. So even if only for today, I will sit and smell, watch and wonder, and be thankful for this one intimate moment.

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